TRAINING are a Berlin-based duo who work mainly with drums and saxophone. Their music is a jittering, impossible-to-define experiment that merges effects-drenched sax with free-jazz inspired drum patterns. They have spent their year working with London-based bassist, composer and vocalist Ruth Goller, an incredible artist in her own right. The end result is their collaborative album, threads to a knot, which dropped in October. The album brings together the frenetic energy of Max Andrzejewski’s drumming, Johannes Schleiermacher’s warped sax and modular synth sounds and Goller’s nimble bass playing, which effortlessly shifts from earth-shattering tones to dextrous, melodic motifs in mere moments. “This album was born through a true collaborative effort. It’s such a great feeling to find different ways to invent music together,” explains Andrzejewski. “It felt a bit like being in a teenage band again, but with the twist that all the compositions are connected. One piece influenced the next piece, and this one the next and so on.” Be sure to check out threads to a knot ASAP. -Dan Peeke